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How does the Wipe & Glow cloth work?

The microfibre material in our Wipe & Glow cloth act like a suction to remove make up, and clean your face in one!

How do I use the Wipe & Glow cloth?

Fully soak in warm water and rinse out. Gently use small, circular motions to remove your make up with the short haired side, before flipping over and using the long haired side to remove any remaining make up or dirt

How long does it last?

One of our Wipe & Glow make up remover cloths can last between 3-5 years or over 1000 machine washes! To protect your cloth we'd recommend washing it in our microfibre filter wash bag.

"Our mission is spread good vibes through beauty, wellness and lifestyle products that make you feel good while doing good for the planet"

Cristi, Founder

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